Dealing With An Estate Dispute? Signs You Need To Hire An Estate Litigation Attorney

Posted on: 20 October 2020

If you're involved in an estate dispute, you might think you can handle it on your own, especially if the dispute involves family members. Unfortunately, estate disputes involving family members can turn volatile quite quickly. If that happens, you want to be able to act just as quickly, especially if you want to protect your rights as a beneficiary to the estate. If you haven't hired an estate litigation attorney yet, now's the time to do that. If you don't think you'll need one, read the information provided below. If any of the situations apply to you, don't wait any longer. Consult with an estate litigation attorney as soon as you can. 

You've Discovered Discrepancies in the Estate

If you thought you knew how your loved one planned their estate, but things look different now, you need to speak to an attorney. It's not uncommon for family members to convince their loved ones to make changes to their estate plans, especially if the family member is in a position of power. Some of those changes can include situations where beneficiaries are done out of their portion of the estate. If you've discovered discrepancies in the estate plan, speak to an estate litigation attorney immediately. There may be steps you can take to resolve the discrepancies. 

You've Reached an Impasse on the Details

If you and your family members have been battling over the estate of a loved one, and you can't seem to resolve the issues, it's time to bring in an attorney. This is especially important if you and your family members can't seem to find any common ground to meet on. Once an impasse occurs, it can be impossible for family members to move ahead with estate resolution. If that's what you're facing, an attorney may be able to help you find that common ground with your family members. 

You're No Longer Speaking to the Other Party

If you've reached a point with an estate conflict where you and your family members are no longer communicating at all, or the communication has turned volatile, take a step back. Any time an estate dispute develops into a volatile, or non-communicative situation, the best way to proceed is with an estate litigation attorney. 

You're Battling Lawyers Without Your Own

If you've discovered that a family member has hired their own attorney to represent them in an estate dispute, you need to hire an attorney of your own. It's never a good idea to try to fight your way through an estate dispute on your own, especially when the other parties have hired their own legal representation. Give yourself a fighting chance. Hire your own estate litigation lawyer.
